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Thank you for believing in Indivisible!

Dear Friends,

I wanted to send a message to thank you for your support and to share with you what making this film means to me.

Directing Indivisible has been a life changing experience. After spending most of my career writing about political and humanitarian issues, I decided to take the leap into documentary filmmaking to actually show the human side of an issue that I am passionate about. When I started this project, I never dreamed I would get to know people as inspiring as Evelyn, Renata, Antonio, Carlos, Luis, and so many others. It is an honor to know these Dreamers and a privilege to share their stories. Because of them, I have witnessed incredible moments and seen history in the making. At the Arizona-Mexico border, I saw proof that love knows no boundaries and that it endures despite many years and thousands of miles of separation. In Washington, D.C., I have been in the presence of unwavering courage as the Dreamers share their stories with our lawmakers to remind them of the human costs of inaction on immigration reform. The Dreamers remind me every day about the importance of family and to take nothing for granted.

The Dreamers inspire me to fight for what I believe in. I believe in this film, and I want to thank each of you for believing in Indivisible, too. Because of you and your support, we are 57% of the way to our fundraising goal. Indivisible has six more days to raise the remaining funds. As we approach the deadline, I would like to ask each of you to think of someone you know who might be touched by Indivisible’sstories. Please reach out to them and encourage them to join Indivisible’s team.

Thank you so much for helping to make Indivisible a reality.

Warmest regards,


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